My Life in a nutshell

Just random topics or experiences that happen in my life.

Monday, March 01, 2004

Gotta love sunday!!

I have never really apprecaited sundays until recently. At school, its a time me to spend the morning worshiping God. Afternoon, i can relax and do nothing. At night i have bible study. Afterwards, i painic at all i still have left to do for classes on monday, but instead of working on hw i pray with my friends in our prayer group. Today, i realized that some things don't change. I'm home now and this morning i still did worship God. This afternoon i lounged around. Even though i didn't have my bible study. We had water baptism at church. I guess it was kind of like my bible study. after that i hung out with friends and talked. Even though it was direct prayer, i was definitly praying. So here I am 2:22 am doing the same thing i would be doing at school, talking online and not doing hw. Amazing how even though i'm in a different place, i still do the same things.

My life in a nutshell: tired and drained


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