My Life in a nutshell

Just random topics or experiences that happen in my life.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

So is it for or againist?!?!

So i'm at work today folding some letters and looking online. (Yes i can fold and look online at the same time) So, i'm looking on CNN i see this article tittled "Documents reveal FBI surveillance of Kerry in early 1970s". Not that i have anything againist Kerry, but it looked like an interesting article. I'm thinking this article is totally againist Kerry so i'm curious at what they againist him. As i'm reading it i realize that the article is far fun slaming Kerry. Instead it compares Kerry to Kennedy and talks about his antiwar stand back in the day during the Veitman war. So, now i don't know if its pro-kerry or anti-kerry. I guess it just depends on who's reading.
heres the article

my life in a nutshell: well....


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