My Life in a nutshell

Just random topics or experiences that happen in my life.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

The day after tomorrow...

Well, Since i'm dork i saw that movie tonight. It was ok. Very korny at parts but aren't all movies. As far as metoerology goes, well...I don't think we need to stress about a "super storm" forming over Canada and come down over north America. Yeah there is global warming. The world wide temperature has raised 1 degree over the past 100 years. Thats a big change for a realivily short time period. You see, weather changes, but not that quickly. It takes it a long to time to make any big switches. So bottom line...the movie couldn't happen. But whatever! It was still entertaining.

I started teaching Lifeguarding certifacation classes today. It sucks! teaching CPR is just so boring. Yet so important. I teach classes tomorrow and sunday 9-5 and then i work all day monday. Well, at least i have tuesday off. Its going to be a busy weekend.

well, sleep is good. so thats what i'm going to do now. Have a great weekend everyone!

My life in a nutshell: Does anyone want to clean my room? That would be great!


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