Disapointing day
So, today i had high hopes that i would be really productive. I even got up at a decent time of well...11:30, but hey its better than 2ish. Anyway i got up ate lunch and then was planning on doing some of my fun hw. Instead i sat on my butt and watched some TV. Until i got online where my good friend Ang told me about the High Risk the SPC (see link on side) over OK and TX. For school i'm suppose to be watching Ok and the great plains to see if there are any big weather outbreaks. Well obviously since i didn't know about the high risk i wasn't doing my job. So thanks Ang for the heads up. Unfortunitly for me but fortunitly for those living there, nothing popped up. Only a few tornados in TX, but nothing in my area. So all of those maps collected and data saved was for nothing. oh well, i hope/ don't hope that the TX people were paying attention to what was going on. Sucks to be them if didn't, but it be better for me since my prof will compare our days. This outbreak made headline news! you know that means something. Oh and everyone watch Storm stories next week on the weather channel, its tornado week! WooHoo!! I guess thats enough from me right now. tomorrow i should work on some physics. I cring just thinking about working on physics. oh well....thats life! Good night all!!
My life in a nutshell: unproductive...but hey there was a high risk?!!
My life in a nutshell: unproductive...but hey there was a high risk?!!
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