My Life in a nutshell

Just random topics or experiences that happen in my life.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Just some quotes or saying that seem helpful now.

"Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get
your attention!" God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts.
Sometimes when we don't have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It's
our choice to listen or not.

I guess I chose not to listen, now what do I do?

If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers every spring.
He sends you a sunrise every morning.

Face it, friend - He is crazy about you!
God didn't promise days without pain,
laughter without sorrow,
sun without rain, but
He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for
the way

Thanks for the strength!

My life in a nutshell: What do I do now?


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