My Life in a nutshell

Just random topics or experiences that happen in my life.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

long day

So its weird. I'm home tonight, but even though i've only been home less then 8 hours it seems as though i've been here for a really long time. It feels as though it should be summer and i should be working at the pool again. I hung out with fluties and kristen tonight. It was fun chilling with them, like old times, ya know. But there was a part that was really sad that my friends from school weren't hanging out with us. I think my friendships have really grown this year. I feel so much closer to my friends now then i did last year. So my goal this summer is to stay in touch with them and to not get the habbit of not calling, IMing, or Emailing. i usually don't talk to people over the summer. Sorry guys its not personal. its not you, its me!


my life in a nutshell: Today's Easter! Be happy and celebrate b/c He has Risen!
(on a personal note, i can eat fried foods and drink soda. i made it. but somehow that doesn't seem to compare.)


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