Hey all,
I know its been super long since i have posted. I don't even know if anyone will check this again. But it's back now. I promise i will post more often. So in this post i think i'm just going to give the run down of whats been going on.
This summer: this summer, as you couldn't tell from the posts, i went storm chasing. It was bunches of fun. we saw some pretty cool stuff. Finally got the shirts ordered for that the other day. Only a few months late. However, i'm still working typing up the trip log. I do love to procrastinate. My goal is to get it done before the chase shirts come out. So, i have two weeks to finish up what i have been meaning to do all summer.
Other summer news, i worked a lot this summer. i assistant mangered at two different pools and also taught swimming lessons. That was fun. I miss teaching little kids. I got involved with my youth group. I really miss hanging out with them. It was nice to just take a break my problems and my reality and spend time in theirs.
Life at college: if could describe my life at college in one word, i would say...
BUSY!! On top of classe, i have my sorority, Greek IV (intervarsity for greeks), VUSIT (valpraiso university storm intercept team), and just hanging out with friends. It seems like i have no free time. And unfortunitly, my studies come last sometimes (just kidding if my p's are reading this). Its been hard to adjust, but i think i'm getting there, i think. Ill let you know when i get my next test back.
speaking of which, i need to go to class. I will try to post whenever i can. I want to put pictures up, but my stupid computer won't let me download the program. my computer has been screwy latly. I've had two hard core viruses and my CD drive won't work.
my life in a nutshell: I'm so tired...i just keep going and giving and going and eating and going....