My Life in a nutshell

Just random topics or experiences that happen in my life.

Saturday, March 13, 2004

new feature!!

So I'm very exciting. i added comments to my blogs. So guys feel free to chat away about my life or things i post. you are welcome to disagree with me or agree with me. Thats all up to you! I give you the power!!

So question of the day is...Have you realized that an old dream you once had is now not going to happen? Did you come to the realization that either a childhood dream or just something you were hoping to do is going to be just that...a dream? Did you realize that you gave it up? yeah, i had that today.

My life in a nutshell: Its good b/c i'm moving on to other things. Its bad b/c i'm giving up on a dream.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Ready and take two!

So after having technical difficulties I'm going to try this again. I wrote a really good blog. But oh well, that's life. So here goes take two. This might not be same blog but it will work.

So this week I spent some time with my sister, that would be my real sister not to be confused with my sorority sisters, and Fluties, my good friends that are twins (Fluties is just a nickname, in case you couldn't figure that out), at Bradley University. It was lots of fun. Probably one of my last visits there, except for my sister's graduation. Gosh, I can't believe she's going to graduate! That means I'm next. I can't handle that!! Anyway, it was fun. I didn't do anything except watch TV. So it was like I was at college just not taking classes or doing any homework. So in other words, ideal place. Next week, I go back to school. Which means, bad food, small living space, early morning, and lots of lots of homework. These past two weeks I have been getting up at like 11:30-12ish. What can I say, its been wonderful. I really don't want to go from 10 hours sleep to 6 if I'm lucky. I really don't want to get up at like 7:30am three days in a row. So I know there are some people out there saying "I have to get up at 7:30 everyday." I get that but its college so that means I don't go to bed until 1:30 if I'm lucky. Well, that's my complaint for the night.

My dog is very cute. He doesn't want to be locked up in the kitchen. We have a wooden gate across the walk way. And now he's trying to bite his way through the gate. Its really funny. I don't think he gets that he won't be able to bite his way through. But you got give him points for trying.

So today I voted. It was my first presidential election of some sort. I have to say it was very cool to punch the hole associated "The President of the United States". I felt very old, but a good old.

Just one more thing that I can think of. The Apprentice was on tonight. I think I'm addicted. But since my roommate, future roommate and pastor is also addicted to the show, I think its ok. Plus my dad is into now too. I got him hook. All I gotta say is GO TROY!! I think he's going to win! I'm for him. He's got it all, the looks, the personality, and the accent. I'll vote for him.

Tomorrow I'm off to the Alder Planetarium in downtown Chicago. Just me and my dad, it should be some quality bonding time. But I'm excited. I used to want to be an astronaut. But I couldn't spell it so it changed to just working for NASA. Then in 7th grade I had a section on weather feel in love. And well...Now, weather might not happen. But that's a whole other blog. Good night all!!

My life in a nutshell: a little frustated but over all its been a great day. I love talking to people and today I had some great conversations with some wonderful people. Thanks guys!


So i just wrote a long blog. but instead of saving it i hit create a new post. So stupid of me!!! So now ya folks have just gotta wait till i decide to redo it.

My life in a nutshell: I'm pissed!!!

Plus the weather is just no good at the moment....cold and no storms anywhere!