My Life in a nutshell

Just random topics or experiences that happen in my life.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

The day after tomorrow...

Well, Since i'm dork i saw that movie tonight. It was ok. Very korny at parts but aren't all movies. As far as metoerology goes, well...I don't think we need to stress about a "super storm" forming over Canada and come down over north America. Yeah there is global warming. The world wide temperature has raised 1 degree over the past 100 years. Thats a big change for a realivily short time period. You see, weather changes, but not that quickly. It takes it a long to time to make any big switches. So bottom line...the movie couldn't happen. But whatever! It was still entertaining.

I started teaching Lifeguarding certifacation classes today. It sucks! teaching CPR is just so boring. Yet so important. I teach classes tomorrow and sunday 9-5 and then i work all day monday. Well, at least i have tuesday off. Its going to be a busy weekend.

well, sleep is good. so thats what i'm going to do now. Have a great weekend everyone!

My life in a nutshell: Does anyone want to clean my room? That would be great!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

5543 miles later...

Well, i just got back last night from the storm chase and well it was amazing. I saw some really cool stuff, weather wise and i learned a lot. I did see two tornados, both of which i have on video and do have some pictures. God really answered my prayers. Not only did i get to see some pretty cool weather stuff but the group got along great. Although there were some moements when there was some tension, but when you are with a group for 9 days 24/7 you gotta expect that. For the most part everyone worked really well together with no fights. We didn't have any car problems, which is a first for a ten day chase. My professor said it was probably one of the best chases he has been on. Thanks to all those that prayed for my trip. God heard those prayers and anwsered them.
So we travelled 5543 miles in 9 days. Thats 616 miles a day driving in a car. It was really worth it. I saw that really cool storm i told ya about, plus that tornado, plus another tornado. That tornado was a multi-vortex tornado. These types of tornados are more rarem, but unfortutainity more distructive. We saw this tornado in Chenoa, Il in Livingston county. Thank God there were no injuries or deaths, at least we think. It did flaten a house and took down some power lines. When we were driving back the town was pitch black. That was very eery. i have the whole life span of the tornado on video. It was a very pretty tornado. Two nights ago we were in Misouri trying to chase a storm. Well we couldn't see anything b/c the rain was blocking our view. But when we were driving back to the hotel we drove through where the tornado had stuck. That was very good to see as a group. I think it might have finally clicked with people that thing we love destroys people's lives. That is what i have really been feeling latly. I can't get excited anymore about severe weather b/c all i think is that that's someone's life being destroyed. I know now that i want to help them and thats what i want to do when i graduate college.
It was great trip though. I'm sure there will be more posts later about it more. But right now i need to go and do some errands. Ill talk to ya later!

My life in a nutshell: What a high! its going to be a great summer. God once ROCK!