My Life in a nutshell

Just random topics or experiences that happen in my life.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Thanks for the memories....

This year has flown by. I can't believe I'm going to Junior. Well, this year has been lots of fun. Very hard and stressful at times. But over a great learning experience. I wouldn't have traded it for the world. So lets just pretend I'm receiving the "you survived sophomore year award". Who would I thank? Well, you're about to find out. I wanted this to be my AIM profile but since I can't fit it all I thought my blog would work. Hopefully the people that I want to see it will see it.
*warning: this may be a long post*

So where to beginning...How about with God?!?! (ok so I know bad attemt at a joke) Thank you God for turning my life upside down and changing me. You have been gracious and full of love always, I'm so thankful for that. I'm speechless.

To my parents: I know I didn't call as much as a should, but in my defense that phone works both ways. thanks for being supportive with my major/minor crisis. Thanks for everything. I owe a lot to you guys.

To Erin: I'm so excited you are living at home this summer. I can't wait to see you everyday! We didn't talk enough this past year. You are a strong and amazing sister (blood). Its been fun this year.

To Kirstin aka Wilma aka sister sister: we don't talk nearly enough. Lets change that. Love yah babes!

to fluties: you aren't allowed to leave. I'm sorry I'm going to kidnap you two. Thanks for coming to visit me this at VU. I hope you had as much fun as I did. Maybe there will be some long road trips next year. I will miss you guys! See a tornado for me!

to my current roomie aka Stacy: We are very different, yet we work. I'm going to miss you over the summer, even though we live 10 mins apart. CALL ME!! Wait what am I saying?!?! Thanks for making this year fun. Good thing I'm a hard sleeper...

to my FR aka Courtney: Thanks for letting me in and getting close. You are an amazing woman and I can't wait until yet year.

to my little aka katrina: I'm so happy you are my little!! I really am. We are very different but yet once again we work. (and maybe its just me but I think we work well) I love you little! Don't be stupid!

to my big aka Nicole: Even though at the end of the year now we haven't talked much, I still like yah and wanna be close. Delta queen love! Holla!

to sarah, melissa, amy, lacey, lea: You guys are amazing strong women. Thanks for putting up with me and staying friends with even though I'm busy can we don't talk much. Love/miss you guys!

to julie and jenna: Thanks for well, just being you guys. I know its been a touch year for both of yah. I'm sorry if I added to that toughness. I'm really gonna miss you both. Fin aid won't be the same without yah. Stay safe while you are abroad. I promise ill email. It might just take me a week or two, but I will email.

To the CCCCC: you guys helped me in ways I can't explain. I'm going to miss our game nights, late night talks, dinner outings and just all of you in general. Thanks! And now we have 6...WooHoo

To my prayer group: its been a blessing to have you in my life this past year. Somehow life is a little easier when I know i have you guys to go to and pray with. Thank you for being who you are. I'm truly going to miss that over the summer. I'm thinking a chat room prayer meeting, what yah think?

Jaime: I love yah, I feel as though we a sisters. You are amazing and I loved our bonding this year.

to my tri-delts: I love you all so much. Thanks for putting up with me this semester as your VPCD, aka fines and such. Its been a blast living on corridor and I'm super excited to live on next year, even if at times its gets loud.
seniors: I'm going to miss you guys.
GB: have fun at grad school...too bad you never got a candle.

And to the three men that have listened to me when I vented, gave advice when I needed it, and were just there.
Justin: Don't forget about me next year...its been great talking this year
Ben: why did we wait so long to become friends?!?!
Pastor Scott: thanks for putting up with my long, sometime freak out, emails. You have been a blessing.

So, I think that's it. I know its a lot of people. Sorry, guys! But I wanted to tell everyone how I feel. Thanks so much!! Hugs and kisses!!!

Whom shall I fear? GWG proud! O'Coman!! "Ahh...heck, I got stuck"

"trust in the Lord forever" Isaiah 26:4

My life in a nutshell: in denial about finals...Oh well, who needs A's or B's...........or C's

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Last day of Physics lab!!!

So today is my last day of classes for the semester. One week from now I will either be home or on my way home. I'm very sad. (look for a post about that later) But I've decided as much as I would like to stop time, I can't do that. So I'm just going to have to make the best of it.

Sunday was pansy breakfast with my sorority. Anne did a great job with planning it. For those that don't know what it is, which would be anyone except women in my sorority, its a breakfast to honor the seniors in the sorority. The littles (little sister) reads a letter her big and letters written by the parents are read to each senior. Its very sweet and emotional. Lots of tears are shed, even I shed a tear or two. I can't believe that they aren't going to be back next year. Its not going to be the same sorority without them. I also can't believe that next year I'm going to have write a letter to my big and send her off into the real world. Even more mind boggling is that the after that I will be the one getting honored at the breakfast. Breathe Caitlin. Breathe.

12 days until my 10 day storm chase!!! I can't wait!! Its going to be so much fun. I really want to see some interesting weather. And by interesting I mean severe, tornados and such. It cost a lot of money to go chasing, I'll be very upset if we don't see anything. However, sometimes that's what happens. Sometimes the weather just doesn't produce any severe stuff. Apparently the extended outlook look as if the atmosphere will be in the right set up for severe weather. So I wanna pray for severe weather but at the same time I know there are people that don't like severe weather. And theres the factor that severe weather has a tendency to destroy people's homes and lives. So I think ill hold off on that prayer. Maybe ill pray for severe weather but in fields where no one will get injured and buildings can't get destroyed...that would work right?

My life in a nutshell: Doing good for the most part. In denial about finals and slowing getting out of denial about going home. Why does there have to be some much sadness in this world? Why can't people just see it the way it is? Oh and most of all...I'm trusting God!

Sunday, May 02, 2004

dude this sucks

So, i went to go and check the weather for the next few days and this is what i see. How depressing is that. All i gotta say its May and we shouldn't have frost advisories this late in the season. Those frost advisories should be tornado warnings and severe weather watches. Hopefully soon. I go chasing in 14 days. I'm super excited! its going to be a very interesting trip.

my life in a nutshell: so tired and so busy....