My Life in a nutshell

Just random topics or experiences that happen in my life.

Friday, March 05, 2004

Disapointing day

So, today i had high hopes that i would be really productive. I even got up at a decent time of well...11:30, but hey its better than 2ish. Anyway i got up ate lunch and then was planning on doing some of my fun hw. Instead i sat on my butt and watched some TV. Until i got online where my good friend Ang told me about the High Risk the SPC (see link on side) over OK and TX. For school i'm suppose to be watching Ok and the great plains to see if there are any big weather outbreaks. Well obviously since i didn't know about the high risk i wasn't doing my job. So thanks Ang for the heads up. Unfortunitly for me but fortunitly for those living there, nothing popped up. Only a few tornados in TX, but nothing in my area. So all of those maps collected and data saved was for nothing. oh well, i hope/ don't hope that the TX people were paying attention to what was going on. Sucks to be them if didn't, but it be better for me since my prof will compare our days. This outbreak made headline news! you know that means something. Oh and everyone watch Storm stories next week on the weather channel, its tornado week! WooHoo!! I guess thats enough from me right now. tomorrow i should work on some physics. I cring just thinking about working on physics. oh well....thats life! Good night all!!

My life in a nutshell: unproductive...but hey there was a high risk?!!

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

random blurbs

So, i finished my 455 page book last night. It took me a whole 4 days to it. The da Vinchi Code is a great book, quick read. It has a very interesting concept. If you read it let me know. Other than reading i've been watching some TV and well thats about it. Today I voleteened at my church. I felt like i was working at fin aid again. But it was fun and got me out of the house. Oh yeah, aprearently my computer had a few virsuses and spyware on it. Best Buy fixed it, hopfully. I really don't want it to keep having virsuses and screwing up. Housing for next year sucks! Well, i'm off to cook and clean! Later

My life in a nutshell: WOW, What an ending!?!?!

Monday, March 01, 2004

Lazyness and Yummy food

So, today i got up at 1:30 pm. I have to say it was very exciting!! Its been forever since i have slept that long. Some people may call me lazy. however i just think they are jealous b/c they can't waste half their day sleeping. So after i finally woke up, i decided to watch some TV. My soap was on, General Hospital. They replaced an actor that has been on there for forever! There's only one Edward Quatermaine!!! I'm reading a really good and addicting book, The Da Vinchi Code. I can't seem to put it down! i feel like such a book worm. But according to Ang its ok. So i guess its ok! Oh yeah, the yummy food was steak and mac and cheese. Can't get that at school! Well, you can but its not very good. Well, i'm off to read some more!

My life in a nut shell: good food, good book

Gotta love sunday!!

I have never really apprecaited sundays until recently. At school, its a time me to spend the morning worshiping God. Afternoon, i can relax and do nothing. At night i have bible study. Afterwards, i painic at all i still have left to do for classes on monday, but instead of working on hw i pray with my friends in our prayer group. Today, i realized that some things don't change. I'm home now and this morning i still did worship God. This afternoon i lounged around. Even though i didn't have my bible study. We had water baptism at church. I guess it was kind of like my bible study. after that i hung out with friends and talked. Even though it was direct prayer, i was definitly praying. So here I am 2:22 am doing the same thing i would be doing at school, talking online and not doing hw. Amazing how even though i'm in a different place, i still do the same things.

My life in a nutshell: tired and drained

Sunday, February 29, 2004

Home sweet home!

I've only been home for 11 hours and it feels like i've been here for months. Weird how that is?! Well, tonight i got home cookin'. Nothing is better than a home cooked meal and a hot bath! I'm so relaxed. Well, its back to reading the Da Vinci Code. on page 16 only 424 pages to go!

My day in a nut shell: relaxing yet not