My Life in a nutshell

Just random topics or experiences that happen in my life.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Good to be home

So incase all have been wondering why my blog has not been updated in a long time. Well, since i do know how many people actually read it, it might not be that many people. Well, from thurs to today i was in Des Moines, Iowa for a severe weather and radar confrence. I got to learn all about the May 3-10 outbreak last year. It was pretty cool. And i actually understood stuff!! It should be that i really did learn stuff in my met classes. I enjoyed the time with everyone there. But i really missed everyone here.

My life in a nutshell: oh the memories...*thinking* michelle proprosing to neil, "code 10" happening to Anne, angie and heather sat on Abe Lincon's lap at the capitol

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

so really now here's the article

So is it for or againist?!?!

So i'm at work today folding some letters and looking online. (Yes i can fold and look online at the same time) So, i'm looking on CNN i see this article tittled "Documents reveal FBI surveillance of Kerry in early 1970s". Not that i have anything againist Kerry, but it looked like an interesting article. I'm thinking this article is totally againist Kerry so i'm curious at what they againist him. As i'm reading it i realize that the article is far fun slaming Kerry. Instead it compares Kerry to Kennedy and talks about his antiwar stand back in the day during the Veitman war. So, now i don't know if its pro-kerry or anti-kerry. I guess it just depends on who's reading.
heres the article

my life in a nutshell: well....

Sunday, March 21, 2004


So i guess now i don't feel so bad that my team, UNC lost. When the number one of the number one's lost to a number nine seat, my heart did two things. One-broke b/c my other champonship team is now out. two-my heart smiled b/c an underdog team won! I can't focus enough to do physics. Sometimes things are just more important than physics. And no i'm not talking about the games.

My life in a nutshell: physics sucks!!