Auntie Em, Auntie Em!!!
So, finally an update! and what an update i got for ya! Today i saw my first tornado!! it was small and short lived. but it was definitly there. Its been lots of fun on the storm chase. yesterday we saw a really pretty storm in Colorado! no tornado but a great storm. when i get back i will try to get pics out. not sure how but i'm going to try. i can't really type more now but maybe in the morning. So God answered my prayers. i seen some great storms but i'm pretty sure there hasn't been much damage and no deaths. I have travelled 3500 miles in the past 5 days. I have been to 8 states...IN, IL, IA, MI, KS, CO, Neb., and SD. its been an amazing experience. Later all. Hope everyone surivied the storms that went through northern IL and northern IN today.
My life in a nutshel: man i am tired...but what a trip!
My life in a nutshel: man i am tired...but what a trip!