My Life in a nutshell

Just random topics or experiences that happen in my life.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

I'm diggin' it!

I think we all feel this way at some point. Whether its choosing family over ministy. or choosing friends over ministry. for lots of us our friends are our family. Thanks Scott for the link. this is a little bit of the article but for all it click here

"Anyway, thats where i am today. Maybe today, I am in the wrong place. Or maybe i made a good decision and chose family over ministry, a decision that one day my kids will remember. Maybe I invested in the sanity of my family instead of in the advancement of the church. I JUST DONT KNOW. I don't have the answer.
But I do know this . . . . that God is really proud of me, and cheers me on as i make my decisions. He thinks its great when i leap off a cliff and expect to be caught - and He always catches me. He would have caught me again in Manchester. I know it. I have been leaping for 20 years and He has been catching for 20 years.
But when I choose not to leap, but rather to retire and call it a day, then I feel God is also cheering, . . . but from His armchair.
God is my greatest fan, when i make the impossible leaps and land safely in his arms. And His applause does not die down when hang up my towel, pack my bags and head home to my family. I might doubt myself, and others surely will. But God will sustain his enthusiasm for me as I co-create with Him, as I partner with Him in reconciling all things to Himself, in aggregating all that needs to come home to Him. Everything and everyone.

Gutlessness? Maybe. But it doesnt change God's love and commitment to me. "

My life in a nutshell: WOW!! i'm speechless. Thank you God for everything. All for your glory!

Friday, April 16, 2004

so Bill won!

The aprentance season finally was on last night. Bill won! i'm happy for him. i think he will do a good job. its amazing how unimportant you realize TV shows are. I mean i love the aprentance and all, but last night i actually missed half the show b/c i ended up talking to a friend. nothing life threatening happened. we just hadn't talked in a long time so i decided to not watch TV. I'm excited for the Flutie visit. Yes that is only one Flutie. the other one can't come. So sad! but we will have fun. only got two classes today. very exciting! tonight i'm going to a progressive dinner at the frats, then i have a sisterhood retreat. After the retreat its of to The Watch at my church. The Watch is kind of like the Gathering, for those people that know what the Gathering is. Its a night of worship. I'm excited! its going to a busy day. But like Ben and angie, i wouldn't want it anyother way.

My life in a nutshell: although classes have kicked my butt this week, its been an amazing week. Thank God for answering prayers. You rock!

Thursday, April 15, 2004

feeling a little lighter now

So, for the moment i can breathe easy. My met presenation was due today. we didn't know if we were going to present today but we had to be ready just in case my prof called on us to present. we he did! so, i'm now done with that. I was kind of happy that we got to go today b/c we spent so long working on the stupid presentation. but since we spent so long working on it i was up till real late last night and rolled out of bed put on some clothes to make it to my class. i wasn't really feeling in the presenting mood, but oh well. then i quickly finished up stats hw, got a quick shower before i had a meeting then class. Then it was quickly back here so i could write some emails and finally get a chance to study for physics. But before i could do that i had to run across campus to drop off a form so that i registar for my storm chase this summer, even though i thought i already did. So, finally i could study for physics about 2 hours before the test. the test didn't actually go too bad. but that will be determined when i get my grade back.

so, if you read all that i bet you could understand why i'm feeling a little less stressed now. however, there is that paper due next week and those physics problems i gotta do. but i think ill leave those time tomorrow. Appreantice is on tonight. so i'm excited for that. i think i'm going to skip my audit class. i wanna go i'm just so tired...Thats all i got!

my life in a nutshell: Thank God its thursday, but there's always something...

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Jesus Greek?

So in honor of Greek IV tonight i wanted to put this post up. Now before people start getting mad, i just want to say this is a joke and is ment to be funny. Also, when i say Greek, i don't mean the country Greece.

Top Ten Reasons Why Jesus Would Have Been Greek:

10. Jesus knew His Greek alphabet.
9. Jesus was the founder of brotherly and sisterly love.
8. Jesus encouraged the payment of 10% dues.
7. Jesus had many philanthropies.
6. Jesus was a member of the Alpha and the Omega organization.
5. Jesus knew how to throw a great party.
4. Jesus frequently wore a toga.
3. Jesus liked to share wine with His friends.
2. Jesus liked to recruit new followers.
1. Jesus went through hell week (end) and lived to tell about it.

My life in a nutshell: is it thursday yet?!?!

Sunday, April 11, 2004

long day

So its weird. I'm home tonight, but even though i've only been home less then 8 hours it seems as though i've been here for a really long time. It feels as though it should be summer and i should be working at the pool again. I hung out with fluties and kristen tonight. It was fun chilling with them, like old times, ya know. But there was a part that was really sad that my friends from school weren't hanging out with us. I think my friendships have really grown this year. I feel so much closer to my friends now then i did last year. So my goal this summer is to stay in touch with them and to not get the habbit of not calling, IMing, or Emailing. i usually don't talk to people over the summer. Sorry guys its not personal. its not you, its me!


my life in a nutshell: Today's Easter! Be happy and celebrate b/c He has Risen!
(on a personal note, i can eat fried foods and drink soda. i made it. but somehow that doesn't seem to compare.)